Here’s a solution to the game’s keyboard glitch:

The problem is that, whenever you start a new game, you can’t input your answers using keyboard.

This isn’t really much of a problem for games like missing number, missing sign, and cube counter, where you either use keyboard or mouse the whole time. In these cases, you can just click on the screen during the countdown before the mini game starts. That will enable keyboard and it will remain like that the whole time you're playing.
It also isn't a problem if you play car path using only keyboard...

The real problem comes for car path and math combination: many players' method for playing consist of using keyboard and mouse at the same time to input their answers and improve their performance. In fact, the top scorers for these two mini games use this method.
When playing with mouse and keyboard at the same time, each time you input an answer with your mouse, keyboard will become inactive, and you'll have to click on the screen in order to be able to use keyboard again.

Playfish has let us know, through their forum administrators, that they will no longer perform any updates or fixes to the game, which means that this issue will NEVER be fixed.

However, I've come up with a very simple solution to the problem which lets you (at least, partially) play the game as it is supposed to be!
Here are the steps to follow:

STEP 1: basics
Download and install the program called AutoHotKey. You can get the program here:
It is completely free and doesn't have viruses or any kind of malware.

STEP 2: creating a script
Once you have installed AutoHotKey:
1) go to your desktop, or any folder of your choice inside windows explorer, and perform a click with the right button of your mouse.
2) choose NEW >>>> AutoHotKey Script. Give the file any name you want.
3) performa right click on the new file you've just created, and select "edit". This will open a Notepad window.

STEP 3: programming
You will see a lot of text inside the Notepad window that you've just opened, but it is not important. Copy the following code and paste it at the bottom:

SetMouseDelay, -1

Close the file and save the changes.

STEP 4: using the script
After completing the previous step, double-click on the file. This will run the script on your computer. (You will see a green icon with on your tray)
Since the script is running, every time you perform a click with the left button of your mouse, it will count as a double-click.
Press the F1 key to disable the scrip, and to enable it again.

1) This solves the game's problem: whenever your keyboard gets disabled because you've clicked on the screen to input an answer, the script will have it enabled again right away!!!
2) If you are not going to play, the running script will become rather annoying, since you will be double-clicking on everything! So, don't forget that you can suspend the script by pressing the F1 key, and press it again to enable it. You should have the script disabled unless you're playing.
3) This method has been tested, and it works with very good sucess for Car Path and Math Combination. However, for the second one, you might find that two numbers are clicked if they are too close, and you click near the edges, but it doesn't happen very often and of course it's way better than nothing!
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